Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 4.2.2rc1

Das Zabbix Team freut sich, Ihnen Zabbix vorzustellen 4.2.2rc1.

Zabbix ist eine Open-Source-Lösung für das verteilte Monitoring und dabei für Unternehmen ausgelegt (Enterprise-Klasse). Zabbix wird unter der GPL veröffentlicht und ist daher zur Verwendung kostenlos, ob kommerziell oder nicht. Den vollständigen Text der Lizenz finden Sie unter

Dieses Dokument enthält die Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 4.2.2rc1. Sie finden es unter download.

Die folgenden Abschnitte beschreiben den Release im Detail und stellen später hinzugekommene oder sonstige Informationen bereit, um die hauptsächliche Dokumentation zu ergänzen.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-16069 Upgraded jQuery version v1.10.2 -> v3.3.1 and jQueryUI v1.10.3 -> v1.12.1 Frontend


ZBX-16032 Changed application filtering to partial name search Frontend
ZBX-15915 Fixed linking error if round() is undefined Agent
ZBX-16074 Added file revision number generation for compilation on MS Windows Installation
ZBX-15833 Fixed scrollbar in overlay popups Frontend
ZBX-16058 Fixed error in IPMI poller causing growing queue Proxy Server
ZBX-16047 Fixed division by zero error in SVG graph widget if selected time period is so small that calculated step between 2 milestones is 0s Frontend
ZBX-15936 Removed "change password" button when cloning media types Frontend
ZBX-11272 Changed sorting by type, fixed information disclosure and formatting of recipient name in action log screen item and dashboard widget; added new sortfields to alert API API Frontend
ZBX-15416 Fixed locale validation in user create and update API methods API Frontend
ZBX-15877 Fixed Tab Key navigation for Safari and Edge browsers Frontend
ZBX-15891 Fixed trigger dependencies are ignored when changing only trigger state Server
ZBX-13029 Fixed api validation messages for linktrigger API
ZBX-15967 Fixed buffer offset for reading hardware info from long DMI files Agent
ZBX-16018 Fixed detection of logical functions (or / and) inside the context of user macros Frontend
ZBX-14782 Deliver human friendly uptime in dashbord Frontend
ZBX-11325 Fixed transparency of draggable interfaces; changed cursor type for all draggable and sortable elements Frontend
ZBX-16048 Fixed global search box loosing the search phrase after searching Frontend
ZBX-15101 Fixed several object IDs allowing them to be 64 bit integers, added asterisk for map navigation tree name field and changed the error message to more generic one Frontend
ZBX-15933 Added state preservation eol Frontend
ZBX-10729 Fixed map element link coloring when linked problem is acknowledged Frontend
ZBX-16050 Fixed HTTP poller crashes Proxy Server
ZBX-16007 Fixed trigger list checkboxes when filtering by single host Frontend
ZBX-15871 Fixed problem events to be filtered by "suppressed" instead of "related to maintenance" Frontend
ZBX-16011 Made "Test all steps" button be available only when at least 2 preprocessing steps are created Frontend
ZBX-10550 Added warnings when Zabbix components have different versions Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-11284 Removed sid URL argument for form cancel buttons Frontend
ZBX-11429 Fixed macro not being retained in trigger expression editing wizard Frontend
ZBX-15816 Increased header value input field max length Frontend
ZBX-16036 Fixed items being stuck in unsupported state under some conditions when "Discard unchanged" preprocessing step is used Proxy Server
ZBX-15677 Fixed the process of compiling the dummy.c module Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-15981 Fixed invalid xpath for vmware "eventlog" key with "skip" option Proxy Server
ZBX-15704 Fixed sending log meta information without obvious needs Agent
ZBX-15905 Added versioning of browser cached files Frontend
ZBX-15956 Reduced configuration cache fragmentation when reloading time based triggers Server
ZBX-15998 Improved performance of "Remove host", "Remove from host group", "Unlink from template" operations when processing network discovery events and using MySQL database Server
ZBX-15959 Fixed when undefined index: rows_per_page on Global search screen Frontend
ZBX-15935 Fixed infinite loop and 100% CPU usage when using OpenIPMI 2.0.26 or newer Server
ZBX-16005 Fixed "{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(<pattern>,<output>}" and "{{ITEM.LASTVALUE}.regsub(<pattern>,<output>}" being resolved to *UNKNOWN* during upgrade Server

Installations- und Upgrade-Hinweise


Siehe das Zabbix Handbuch für alle Details.


Siehe das Upgrade-Verfahren for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.2.2.

Kommerzieller Support

Das Unternehmen Zabbix bietet eine umfassende Palette an professionellen Services. Wir stellen für Sie auch eine problemlose Upgrade-Services und einfache Migration von früheren Zabbix Versionen bereit. Bitte Vertrieb kontaktieren um Preise und weitere Details anzufragen.


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